Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

More manky old balls

This morning I went to 'Braidburn Valley Park' and guess what I found on the way?..................... a manky old ball. Yay! I carried it all the way to the park and then I carried it all the way home. However guess what happened on the way home.................... We were waiting to cross the road at the pedestrian crossing, when I spotted another manky old ball, just lying in the gutter. I tried to pick it up but my mouth isn't big enough to carry two manky old balls. I thought Ann might carry it for me because we were almost home, but do you know what she said? She said, 'Trixie, I am not even going to touch that manky old ball, let alone carry it home.' That wasn't very nice of her was it?

When we got home, I lay guarding my manky old ball for a bit, but Ann could tell that I was really unhappy at having to leave the other manky old ball in the gutter. Ann doesn't like me to be unhappy so do you know what she said? She said, 'Trixie, for your afternoon walk we will go back to the pedestrian crossing and if the manky old ball is still in the gutter you can have it.'

Mmmmmmm................. I'd first spotted the manky old ball at about 10.45am and when I went out for my afternoon walk it was almost 3pm. Guess what? The manky old ball that was lying in the gutter this morning, was nowhere to be seen. Where do you think it went? Ann says it probably just rolled away but I think another little doggie that likes balls picked it up and took it home. Grrrrr....... I had my afternoon walk along the canal but unfortunately I didn't find any manky old balls!

PS – Ann washed all my manky old balls in December and made me donate them to the 'Edinburgh dog & cat home' for Christmas. We went to our St Ives home for Christmas & New Year and didn't come back to Edinburgh till the 27th January. Since then I've found 27 manky old balls and 2 rubber bones. …...............I really am the bestest little Collie pup for finding manky old balls.

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