Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Peh anyone?

I'm not really from Dundee but apparently that's the way it should be pronounced if I was! Spent this afternoon making the weekly family dinners, chicken pie this week, this is the one for #1 daughter's family.
Didn't rush to get up this morning when I saw the weather, spent lots of time reading, drinking coffee and doing word games instead.
Cleo has fully recovered from Monday's sedative thank goodness. She's got the all clear. She's very affectionate at the moment.....or at least she is to me!
Ali and Bonnie were over this afternoon so took their pie home with them, Bonnie will be having hers at first remove! I had a lovely time interacting with her and making her giggle, such fun.
We're having a very minimal tea tonight and will then watch University Challenge and something of minimal brain challenge to follow that.
The weather tomorrow is not forecast to be any better than today's, in fact most of the next ten days are going to have a higher than 50% chance of rain, yuck!
Hope nobody is too close to a river, I saw a picture today of the poor moorhens in one of the Water of Leith basins struggling as their eggs threatened to float off!

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