Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

This was the only photo I took today. Crazy busy… I finished my striped needle filted eggs and sold them all today. I begun 3 more, but didn’t have time to finish more than two. We had customers coming left and right, and my coworker and I mostly worked together, one handling the cashier and the other one wrapping tulips. We sold so many today! One customer, an older lady, came in and looked around. She gathered pots and plants and told me she had been told to look at the needle felted things. I showed her and she told me she had the materials at home and she wanted to do this with her grandkids the next day. I told her I could show her, and I did. Thought that was it but she talked and talked and talked… and I didn’t have the heart to stop her even though my head was hetting more and more tired. Finally she left to go and look at pots and I asked my coworker if she could handle the cashier for this customer because my brain needed a rest. She did.
Two of our bosses were at a meeting and when my boss came back Itold her. She thought that wasn’t good, for me and my health, and I agree… I said that me sitting and needle felting had brought the attention to our needle felted things, and we’ve sold some because of it, but I’ll never offer to teach again. I learned my lesson.
So tited after work and doing some final shopping that I fell asleep on the couch.
Happy Easter everyone!

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