Blush response

By Esper

Let's Be Friends

On This Day In History
1854: Treaty Of Kanagawa signed by Commodore Matthew C. Perry, and later endorsed, under threat of force, by Emperor Komei

Quote Of The Day
"There shall be perfect, permanent and universal peace, and a sincere and cordial amity, between the United States of America on the one part and between their people, respectfully, (respectively) without exception of persons or places."
(The Treaty Of Kanagawa)

Bonus Quote Of The Day
"There was a crowd of people there, all stirred up and making guesses about the burning ships on the horizon. Then those ships came nearer and nearer, until the shape of them showed us they were not Japanese ships but foreign ones ...."
(anonymous eyewitness report of the four steamers led by Commodore Perry as they entered the seas of Japan for the second time)


Western Promise

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