
By Ellem


Spotted a double rainbow as I walked back round from Morrisons today, but by the time I got home and grabbed my phone the second one had all but disappeared.
Quite a good day, starting with a 2.5lb loss at slimming group, then coffee and a (ahem) small slice of cake with F at Dobbies then home to find the laundry fairy had hung out one load of washing and put the next one on. Then this afternoon my friend A popped in with her daughter E who’d come to pick up some trousers she’s ‘modifying’ for my son S for the rave he’s going to next weekend. He’s had the ticket for two years because it was initially cancelled due to licensing problems, then rescheduled but in Glasgow instead of its normal home at Ingliston but that wasn’t a popular move with the fans so they held out for Ingliston this year and it’s finally happening. Not a rave like the original all nighters from the 90s but a more sedate noon to midnight. Raving ain’t what it used to be :-))
And tonight was planning meals and writing the shopping list for tomorrow morning so I can get out first thing and be home in plenty of time for going out on my Breeze bike ride round the Carse of Gowrie about 10.

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