
By HeidiHH

Life on crutches day 11

Another sick day here...

Cough getting worse and I'm feeling it in the pipes. Called the F***n health care center 3 times, but the lines were busy. Not even a possibility for them to call me back (which is the normal procedure). So i tried the digital clinic which turned out to be quite good. 

I had to write down a lot of information which was brilliant as they never listen to that much when you talk to them. So I got a reply online that sounds like a bad flu and I need to go see someone. They booked me an appointment for a nurse for tomorrow afternoon. I'm not enthusiastic to hop in from those doors. No.

Oddly enough, when I had to log into the digital clinic, I copied all the foot / knee related appointments I had in the HCC. The last appointment is not there. The one where the doctor was behaving inappropriately. It's gone. So now I have to ask for the logging information for that period under my identity. Everything else is there, but not the one visit that was really inappropriate.

The nausea is still here. Pills help so I can eat lightly and keep liquids down too. But this coughing is tiring. Very tiring.

Started a new jigsaw, but mostly just flipped the pieces so that I can see the colors. This is also with animals. This one is the hardest one so far.

Chocolate bunny in the picture has gone to better place. My stomach.

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