
By suehutton

Double Reflections

The smartphone photography course with Brendan Ó Se continues. We have a Facebook group to which we can upload our attempts and receive recommendations from fellow students as well as the tutor.

I took the original version of this photo after we'd been to  the pharmacy and ASDA. The weather was kind this morning so it seemed eminently suitable to head for Finkins for coffee and sandwich. Basil had his accustomed sausage, Two young girls arrived for a milk shake and also sat outside.

Rather than photograph them directly I thought it looked more interesting as a reflection in the window. The tutor suggested converting to black and white, which I have done.

This evening's session was marred by a constantly dropping internet connection while the tutor was trying to demonstrate Snapseed on his iPhone, but I think I've got the gist.

I did manage to update the Travel Group website with the results of the March competition.

We popped in to see Colin on the way home from the village.

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