A time for everything

By turnx3

"Messin' about on the river"

This afternoon, Roger, Laura and I went canoeing on the Little Miami River - Roger and I took a canoe, and Laura took a kayak. We went canoeing about the same time last year, and went for 12 miles, but we made the comment that we though 9 miles would be an ideal distance, but they didnt do a 9-mile - it was 3,6, 12 or even longer! Well I guess they must have heard us, as this year they have introduced a 9-mile trip! The weather was perfect - a few degrees cooler than it has been, and less humidity. We took a picnic lunch with us and had it on the way. The last three miles we hadnt done before, and were really nice - there were no houses, and very few other canoeists - most of them get out before that. We only saw another two canoes in the last three miles, so it was just you, the canoe and the river - so nice and peaceful. The picture was taken earlier in the trip when it was fairly busy, as you can see in the background. This group of geese were getting a bit agitated about their peace being invaded!

We stopped for an ice cream at Graeters (a Cincinnati favorite) on our journey home, then it was lasagna and garlic bread for dinner, followed by a movie at home. A good day!

One year ago: The Peastacks

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