Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Parsley, Thyme…

…Back door herbs. (The Rosemary and Sage are on the other side, for Simon and Garfunkel balance).
I always felt too busy to go down the garden to pick herbs, so we put some by the back door. (I blame the hurried nature of cooking, rather than my laziness… But, I suppose the cap does fit somewhat). I use them much more often now, so it’s a win.

I had to smile at one of the Elderlies last night. (I try not to, because most of the ‘silly’ things are just their attempt to try to make sense of what dementia has jiggled around or robbed from them).
Yesterday’s confusion involved the TV set, which sits on a table, totally unwanted and unused.
‘I have a 23 inch television’… The Elderly one announced.
‘ I know you have’. I replied. ‘But I think it’s a bit bigger than that’.
‘Yes, it could be… I don’t know how it got here. My sister found it in the street I think, and, you know.. Popped it in her handbag, and here it is’.

I think part of my amusement was picturing the very prim and proper sister (now deceased)…
And I’m not going feel too guilty for being amused. Last night’s was a cheerful enough chat, as our chats go.

Onwards. Butternut squash casserole with herbs anyone?

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