Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Staying in Whickham with our friend, Cath & Jill

For my morning walk I trekked around for more than an hour in torrential rain. Cath went off to see her mum (she's 94 years old and is still living pretty much independently) Jill slobbed around in bed. Lol, lol, lol!!! I found a manky old ball. Yay!!

When we got back to Cath's house, it was breakfast time, Yay! Ann made me put my newly found manky old ball into an empty plant pot that was lying next to an outdoor door. Grrrrrrr................. It was leaking a lot of muddy water all over the place (my manky old ball, not the empty old plant pot) and Ann didn't want me to dirty all of Cath's rugs.

Long story short...................... After my really horrendous 3.5 mile walk in the rain, I had to stay 'home alone' while the humans went to visit Bemish Museum'. Even though it was tipping it down with rain for the whole time; they absolutely loved it. #whatafabulousplace.

Oh and by the way, apparently, gorgeous little Collie pups are allowed to go there, but Ann chose not to take me. I wonder why??!!

Drove back to Edinburgh in absolutely horrendous rain and very, very, bad surface water. My human has just read on FB that part of the A1 has been closed now due to flooding. We eventually made it home by about 5.45pm, but it took us about an hour longer than it should have done.

Happy Wednesday night peeps. xx

PS - Ann forgot to retrieve my newly found 'manky old ball' out of the plant pot that is lying beside the door to the garden in Cath's house..  I'm not happy.  Grrrrr...........................

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