Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce


Nothing like a detailed report. This finally came through from the printer company late this afternoon and they've said they'll see if they can locate the printer documentation they forgot to return. Not quite sure how I proceed from here - was having such a busy headspinny day I haven't had any bandwidth to properly think about it - any suggestions would be very welcome though. 

Woke up to a few cms of snow this morning which has been slowly melting in the rain all day. Not much left now. 

I spent an eye watering amount of money on materials - it being the last day of the tax year it felt prudent to offset as much as I could against this one. Hopefully, I won't need to buy anything too major for a while. 

Tomorrow's outdoor market (West Linton) has thankfully been moved into the Primary School so we won't be battling with the elements. Hurrah! 

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