Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


… This image reminds me of why I like watercolours and is reminding me that I need to find my paintbox.
I haven’t done much painting for a while (so many toys, so little time?).

I have spent the afternoon in study. I intended to do an hour or so but, four hours slipped through my fingers, like a hot knife through butter. I guess this shows that I enjoy my subject? (I do). Why didn’t I study like this when I was at school?!!

It’s still wet outside. Wetter than we have known since moving here. The garden is really (really) squelchy underfoot. The sky has been grey all day. I’m sure that soon the heatwave will descend and we’ll be crying out for rain. (Feast or famine?).

I bought a card game yesterday.. ‘Lexicon’.
I had forgotten all about it until recently, but it’s brought back childhood memories of an orange box (lined with exotic maroon and gold?).

Playing games (in my childhood home) was for high days and holidays only… The opening of the writing bureau was something special. (Where our few games were stored, along with writing paraphernalia). The serious whiff of wood, ink (Watermans), blotting paper, Basildon Bond (never blue! With its loose-leaf lined page to keep us on the straight and narrow) and Travel Scrabble, is still fresh in my memory. Along with the tiny middle drawer of old fountain pens (I wish I had kept them) drawing pins and the odd broken bits and pieces that might fit something one day.

So, we might have a little play of Lexicon tonight. We’ll see whether it lives up to my memories. (The new boring little box most certainly doesn’t!).

We’ll see! :-)

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