
By tridral

Dau mewn un

Dau mewn un ~ Two in one

“Any great work of art … revives and readapts time and space, and the measure of its success is the extent to which it makes you an inhabitant of that world, the extent to which it invites you in and lets you breathe its strange, special air.”
― Leonard Bernstein

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Heddiw roedd rhaid i mi glirio llwybr y fyny’r ardd.  Os rydw i’n mynd i adeiladu caban, (cwt, sied, beth bynnag) ar ben yr ardd (neu hyd yn oed os rhywun arall yn ei adeiladi i fi) bydd rhaid i'r llwybr yn glir. Felly roeddwn i’n torri ffyn heddiw. Bydd y rhain yn danwydd ar gyfer y gaeaf nesaf. Felly clirio'r llwybr a pharatoi tanwydd dwy o waith mewn un. Effeithlon iawn, dwi'n siŵr.

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Today I had to clear the path up the garden. If I'm going to build a cabin, (hut, shed, whatever) on top of the garden (or even if someone else builds it for me) the path will have to be clear. So I was cutting sticks today. These will be fuel for next winter. So clearing the path and preparing fuel, two jobs in one. Very efficient, I'm sure.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Coed a blodau yn yr ardd, amlygiad dwbl
Description (English): Trees and flowers in the garden, double exposure

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