Live, love, laugh

By Rianka


Pfff.. supposing to be grown up by now. I don't think I'm ready for that yet. Not ready to act like a grownup at least.
I guess I'll never will be. At least I hope so.
I hope the child in me keeps showing up every now and then.

But at least I know what I want, so I guess I?m more grown up than I think.
I know who I am. Who I wanna be and what I wanna be.
But more importantly, I know with who I want to share it all.

Having a little weird birthday. Had to make an exam in the morning (which I passed!!) and had a little bit of time in the afternoon in which I decorated the house. Teached in the evening, which was a lot of fun.
My boy surprised me with a visited in the middle of the second hour. He made a big paper birthday hat for me.
When I came home my sister and her boyfriend were there.
Had a lot of phone calls and text massages and a lovely birthday in total!

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