
By McCaviti

Reluctant Model

This one is stupid on so many fronts. Shadow is a grand old dame of 15 feline years and had never suffered the indignities of being dressed that my sisters and I put our cats through. In those days it was just our dolls’ dresses.

Anyway, there is a ridiculous cat dress shop down from my Canberra sister’s apart,ment, and when my Swedish sister was visiting she just had to get one for her cat back in Stockholm. So after spending ten minutes laughing at her, I decided my (far prettier) cat deserved one too, and this yellow pineapple design would really suit her colouring. At that stage I was oblivious to the yellow blip challenge too, but what the heck.

Because she’s so pretty, her extended family cut her down with a lot of fat shaming, and I may have miscalculated her size. So when a gel doesn’t like her frock it’s all too easy to walk away (until the dress falls off).

If anyone needs an XXL pineapple cat dress, just let me know.

In the meantime here’s an overprocessed, out of focus, not particularly yellow, but certainly inappropriate snap of our feline fashionista (not).

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