
By Ellaphant

Windmill 'De Korenbloem', Loil

'Korenbloem' = 'Ko-run-bloom' = 'cornflower'... but also 'corn flour'!
'Loil' does not sound like 'Olive Oil'.  Two syllables = 'lo-IEL'

Built in 1855 with hardly any spectacular events in the intervening years up to today.  It was facing the other way the other times I was here, but in perfect position today.  I am hardly in the east as there've never been reasons to go there, not even to cross the border, which isn't far from this spot, as I usually use other motorways for that.  The mills are now providing me with very good excuses.

Fantastic hunting weather!  It lingered till late in the evening.

Back home, restless and agitated.  Thankful for today's distractions.  Tomorrow is supposed to deliver a lot of sun in the afternoon.  I have some ideas already.

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