
By dreamSsquared

Breakfast club

This place has the most amazing food and drinks. Top recommendations- nachos, pancakes with berries and the Elvis shake!! On a funny note, I've been here with two boyfriends, lol! Both felt different and I've seen my life change so much in two years. Let's see what's to come next!

On the train back, I see two possibilities for my life- one getting married, becoming a lady of leisure. But I don't feel that being the person that I am, I'll ever be able to be a non-working mom. I need work, purpose and direction- basically something to look forward to and wake up to. The second possibility and what I want to become my reality- fit, successful and happy. I want to have started good companies, engage in discussions with important people, get the VVIP tag and make the difference that I'm here to make.

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