How does your garden grow?

Another long day stuck in front of a computer at work. Not designed to sit at a desk all day. Went to physio at lunch time to help with that.

This evening has just evaporated... where does the time go? It might have had something to do with the fact that I spent ages looking for the anti-midge cream for tomorrow's woodland site visit but couldn't find it anywhere. I am going to have to find time for a proper tidy up and chuck out weekend before long... it's driving me crazy.

Stuck for blip ideas today, basically I didn't get away from my desk not even for a wonder around the grounds at lunchtime, so I am afraid it's another home grown veggie shot. This time it's the mangetouts... they seem to be doing well. We've had a bit of rain today so the leeks I transplanted last night are well watered in. However, everything is so late this year... except the lettuces they seem to be doing well. They may feature as a blip later in the week.

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