
By PaulaJ

One of eleven

A lovely day today - sunshine and no cold wind. I sat outside for a long while during which a three minute Merlin recording found eleven birds - amazing. There were all our usual: blackbird, great tit, chaffinch, sparrow, robin, greenfinch, goldfinch, then rook, buzzard, crow. And of course there were blue tits.

It was lovely to sit in the quiet, with only birdsong.

All go for some tomorrow - one daughter doing the London Marathon and her sister and nieces following her round - I will try to follow online. Actually granddaughter @2 is on a two night overnight camping expedition for Silver D of E. She and her friend set off yesterday with tent and snacks - hope they have also got food. I suppose the biggest challenge will be to survive without their phones! Gordon is off with a friend to Sale to watch some Rugby.

Me - I will just stay here, read my books and listen to the birds.

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