Choose Joy

By Energia

They lived!

They lived through the winter. They seem to have actually thrived. I thought they’d be an annual. 

They are underneath a teeny little Japanese Maple I have. It is. “Bihou” and has yellow bark. It lived through the winter too. 

I am really happy to be in Spring now!

I socialized with co-workers. Is there a medal? 

U.S. medical professionals are now helping their Ukrainian counterparts deal with the physical and mental-health fallout of traumatic brain injuries, while also trying to learn from Ukraine’s experience.
Putin is inaugurated for the fifth time May 7. Ukraine may be prepping to hit the Crimea Bridge again. 

Military officials announced that Biden authorized long range missiles for Ukraine. A propagandist in Russia is flipping out. Skabeyeva pointed out all the Russian areas that Ukraine could hit, including parts of Ukraine that Russia pretends are its now. This is good - she can terrify Russians and maybe at some point they will turn against the war. 

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