
By 58jc


OH got home in the early hours after flight delay so I was creeping around to let him sleep in.  I went in the garden around 8.00 for a few hours before it started raining and managed to empty some of the pots and re-plant the tulips in the border although not sure if they will be any good next year?  I had messaged a lady on FB who had some spare tomato plants and she kindly dropped them round and we chatted about gardening for some time.  Late breakfast/brunch and a catch up on his/my week.

Weather turned miserable so I popped to Lidl where they had reduced aubergines so I made a big vat of capponata which will be lovely for the freezer.  OH watched his team lose the last game of the season.

Nothing much else.

Picture is of my very sad 'leaning' compost bins.  It is a job on the list to rebuild but think it is quite a way down so might not be this year?

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