Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

In Guildford

Yesterday evening Gavin and I got stuck in and two hours later we felt like we had got rid of most of the fine dust that was covering everything after the new ceiling boards had been fitted. The problem with such a fine dust like that is that it got in everywhere, even inside closed cupboards, on all the kitchen cupboard was a big job to get rid of it. It looked better but the floor still looked a bit smeary despite washing it thoroughly, however after a few washes it should be okay again.

This morning we left the plumbers to redo a section of the ceiling that needed smoothing and repainting, and went to Guildford. We were meeting Tommy and Inca who were driving from London this morning, as they wanted to see the photography exhibition. We had brunch at Megan's Restaurant before going over to the gallery. They both seemed to enjoy the exhibition and had some favourites. We did a bit of shopping in Guildford as I was looking for a present for Inca's birthday that is next month, but decided to rather order it online as they did not have what we were after.

I took this photo of Tommy and Inca in the high street of Guildford - it's very good of them to be so relaxed and smile when its actually rather awkward to be posing in the middle of the high street while shoppers and people are walking by! 

When we got home the plumbers had left and there was a bit more dust so we cleaned again, although it wasn't as bad as last night. The floors were washed again and yet they still seem a bit smeary. Our cleaner is coming on Monday and I know she will be able to get the floors looking good again.

Tommy and Inca have now gone back to London as they have a friend's party tonight. I gave Xena another walk, the bluebells are still looking fabulous, I think they are more prolific this year than last year.

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