Blush response

By Esper

Directed Energy

On This Day In History
1789: Mutiny on The Bounty

Quote Of The Day
Lt. William Bligh: It always makes me laugh that whenever men lose their self-restraint they always say they're "natural."
Fletcher Christian: They're more natural than the men who have nothing to restrain.

Bonus Quote Of The Day
Lt. William Bligh: Filth, sir! Filthy, Mr. Christian! Still filthy! Look!
Fletcher Christian: I see nothing, sir, but your finger.
.Lt. William Bligh: I'll not have your vile ways brought aboard my ship! Do you understand? Now you'll call up the swabbing party yet again! And this time you will make bloody sure that the decks are clean, or by God you will answer for it, sir! I'll not have any of your foul, filthy, gutter ways on board my ship! Good God, pigs in a sty have more comprehension of cleanliness than you buggers have! Now you'll get these decks clean, or by God I'll make you lick them clean with your tongue if you don't mend your ways. 
(The Bounty )

One of my favourite films of all time, with stellar performances from Sir Anthony Hopkins and Mel Gibson. Even the presence of John Sessions doesn't spoil it.

The Sinner In Me

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