While on my runs

By waipushrink

Resting after a capture

This morning we had pastries and coffee with P and his partner M; Mr H was also with us. He had a soft drink and P had tea. I had found some gluten-free English muffins for M. As has become common, our conversation eventually moved onto the political situation in Aotearoa/New Zealand. The rhetoric is beginning to sound very scary; the Coalition Government is responding to criticisms with claims of "we have a mandate". The loudest such claims come from David Seymour , leader of ACT. The ACT party actually had fewer votes than the Greens, Labour and National. Seymour is claiming that he can do whatever he likes as the electorate gave him a mandate to do as he wishes. Which is blatantly a lie. I feel sure he knows it, and is trying to convince the electorate that we are powerless to stop him. Opposition is mounting and vocal.

Returned to Snells Beach this afternoon, and I had a jog partly on the concrete footpaths to the 70+ steps to Southend, and more running on the mudflats (actually firm sand). 

The Kotare (Kingfisher) landed on the small branch shown in my blip. Looking at the image I saw that the Kotare had caught something, and it was still held in its beak.

The extra is a male Tuturiwhatu (Dotterel) with rufous chest.

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