
By tridral

Cerdded o gwmpas fy milltir sgwâr

Cerdded o gwmpas fy milltir sgwâr  ~ Circumambulating my square mile

“The term (milltir sgwar) connects us to our immediate area where the familiarity of landscape and community is rooted and comforted; and the current pandemic may lead us to reflect on the certainty of the pleasure of another dawn and a day of activity that may include the simple pleasure - from a local walk taking us to dusk and sunset - with the hope of certainty from another day ahead.”
― Brian Davies

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Es i am dro o gwmpas fy milltir sgwâr bore ma. Cefais fy ysbrydoli gan fy FitBit, ond hefyd rwy'n meddwl ei bod yn dda i wneud tipyn bach o ymarfer corff a dod i adnabod yr ardal ar gyflymder cerdded. Rydw i'n gallu gweld mwy na phan roeddwn i'n rhedeg o gwmpas yr ardal. Heddiw es i i lawr i'r afon Taf ac yn mwynhau taith cerdded dawel ar hyd yr afon. Hefyd gwnes i ddarganfod bod y siop fara sy’n agor eithaf cynnar yn gwerthu coffi, felly prynais i baned o goffi (a cwci hefyd) cyn cerdded adre.

Ar ôl brecwast rydw i'n parhau gyda fy ngwaith yn yr ardd. Rydw i bron wedi gorffen a nawr mae lle'n barod i fi rhoi wal fach yn ôl. Bydd y llwybr yn ehangach - llwyddiant!. Yn gobeithio bydda i'n gallu gorffen popeth yfory.
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I went for a walk around my square mile this morning. I was inspired by my FitBit, but I also think it's good to do a little exercise and get to know the area at walking speed. I can see more than when I was running around the area. Today I went down to the river Taf and enjoyed a quiet walk along the river. I also discovered that the bakery that opens quite early sells coffee, so I bought a cup of coffee (and a cookie too) before walking home.

After breakfast I continued with my work in the garden. I'm almost finished and nowend the place is ready for me to put the small wall back. The path will be wider - success!. Hopefully I can finish everything tomorrow.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Derwen ar lan yr afon
Description (English): An oak tree by the river

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