
By Martigan

Just for my record.

       I have a patch of Ramsons in the garden, in one of my "nearly-raised" Beds.  I've know as "Wild Garlic" for most of my life; AKA "Allium ursinum, known as wild garlic, ramsons, cowleekes, cows's leek, cowleek, buckrams, broad-leaved garlic, wood garlic, bear leek, Eurasian wild garlic." NONE of which I'd heard.
       I've used them, frequently, added to Omelettes but little, if anything, else.  II recently looked them up & found number of uses/recipes; one of which was "HOW TO FERMENT WILD GREENS" using Garlic as their example so my usual "philosophy" kicked in " WELL, why not, I've done it with cabbage, better known as "Sauerkraut" and I have some Garlic cloves "Pickled", so why not. 
      Above - fresh chopped.
      Below - after "massaging" in the Salt.  We'll see how it goes.  I chucked the last of my Sauerkraut to make room for it.  I tasted the Sauerkraut - still tasted right - BUT - almost without any texture now.

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