
By Ellaphant

Windmill 'De Hoed', Waarde

'Hoed' = 'Hoot' = means 'hat' ... but it doesn't look like one, does it?
This type, or style, is what is called 'standard', so it's old type, and it is the 'widest' of this type in the country.  Maybe that's why it's called 'the hat'?  The mill itself was built in 1858.  It still functions regularly as a corn mill, but it is also often used for student-millers.  Indeed, an aspiring miller has to follow formal and practical lessons on how to operate all the kinds of mills, what the differences are, how they work and how to make them work, how to repair, the history, and so on, and needs a certificate to be able to practice as a professional, even if the work is largely voluntary.  There are millers who have made it a life's work, though, and operate five to six mills in a given area or assist other millers.

Cloudless most of the day!  And the temperature has risen spectacularly!

The usuals at home, with Beyond Paradise after dinner.  In the meantime, the invite for the status hearing this coming Thursday has arrived.  It will be another of those late nights, but thankfully it will only be a status hearing, just so the Court is aware of what's happening.  It's no longer my case, after all, but the other one, which the Opposition should have attended to but kept from us instead.  Anyway, I will be the one to benefit from it now.  Oh, but I don't think I mind.

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