
By KathyH58

Cruise ship season

The cruise ship season started a few weeks ago, today was the first chance I had to photograph one of them. This was the view from the deck of one place we worked at today.

The roommate sent an etransfer for his rent between 11 and midnight last night. Then he snored from 3 am till after I got up at 6:15 am. He actually ordered his fast food delivery at 5 pm tonight instead of his usual 9 pm. I told him that his snoring is still a problem. He claims that he is using his CPAP machine and is using his mouth guard. I have my doubts that he is using them. From everything that I have read about CPAP machines, they are supposed to reduce or eliminate snoring when used properly. I should have told him that losing weight would help.

I told him that I work and that I need my sleep. He claims he is working too, but unless he is getting 3 hour shifts, he is not working. He is home when I leave in the morning and home when I get home in the afternoon. I work an average of 5 hour days. I leave at 8:30 and am usually home around 3 pm.

I told him that I want him out, asap, and that I would prorate his rent if he leaves early. I suspect he will stay till the end  of the month, just to spite me.

He lived here for a year and there was no problem with him snoring most of that time. For the first 2 months he lived here he was in the room across the hall from me, and there was no problem with him snoring every night. It only started this winter. Around the same time that I told him he should help shovel snow, sweep the laundry room floor and to keep his dishes washed instead of leaving dirty dishes in the laundry room sink. So I suspect he is doing it just to get me upset.

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