
By Kentboy


amongst the blue!   I could have Blipped many different ones today, but chose this one.  The other week I checked out if the Rannerdale bluebells were blooming.  They weren't, but they are now.  These flowers are on a hillside without tree cover.. Each year they put on a display.
I was early, before 8am and thought I would be first to see.  No there were a few folk there before me, but not crowded.  Up even earlier was a camera club member and Blipper and a nice chat was had.
As I was returning I couldn't help myself, take and post this photo.  The hillside was bursting with blue colour (and yellow gorse) but when I saw two blue jackets and a red-haired lady-Blip sorted.
The weather was sunny, but blowy in the valley.  Elsewhere it was very nice, nice enough for an ice cream from a place where I have a life-time discount!
I continued to Keswick via Honister Pass and Borrowdale, then home.

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