
By tridral

Ymarfer democrataidd

Ymarfer democrataidd ~ A democratic exercise

“I had this notion of what I called a democratic way of looking around, that nothing was more important or less important.”
― William Eggleston

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Roedd rhaid i mi gerdded ffordd hir heddiw i'r orsaf bleidleisio. Fel arfer mae'r orsaf bleidleisio dim ond caban jyst i fyny'r stryd, heddiw roedd ar ben arall y pentref. I gerdded yno roedd yn ymarfer democrataidd (gallech chi'n ddweud).

Fy nhaith cerdded â mi dros y comin lle sefyll gweddill y coed o'r rhai a blannwyd yn y pedwar degau. I fi, mae'r coed tal deublyg yn edrych fel y tyrau o eglwys gadeiriol. Byddai'n lle i ddathlu natur. Rhywbeth o'r ellyllon, hudolus.

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I had to walk a long way today to the polling station. Usually the polling station is just a cabin just up the street, today it was at the other end of the village. To walk there was a democratic exercise (you could say).

My walk took me over the common where stand the rest of the trees from those planted in the forties. To me, the twin tall trees look like the towers of a cathedral. It would be a place to celebrate nature. Something from the elves, magical.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Coed uchel ar gomin yr Eglwys Newydd
Description (English):  Tall trees on Whitchurch common

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