
By Birgit


Mud came down into our village into the centre, the market, from whereof everyone had probably already fled from the terraces because of the prolonged downpour. The mudslide has left a trace into adjacent houses and their cellars. Even in the holiday homes at the farm on the corner. It's spring break. Those guests have a memorable holiday.
And they don't even have to clean it up themselves.

We were unaware because our only concerns are the two rivers, Geul and Gulp, and we had nothing to fear from that yet. We live further away from that hill on the other side of the village centre. The photo is courtesy of a colleague who lives near the school. The school can be seen, out of focus, in the photo. We only saw the aftermath this morning. Fire brigade, municipality workers and residents are working hard to scrub, spray and pile up what is damaged beyond use. Such a havoc!

But, looking at the positive side; no sheep came down in the slide and there were no casualties.

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