The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Here's lookin' at you

I saw Bomble sitting on the windowsill, so I decided to sneak up while he was still totally relaxed, and try out the "cat face recognition" option in Scene Mode. Surely this is the most unnecessary function of all? It did not recognise B's face, either!

Bomble sits on the windowsill, usually looking out at Starling, the neighbours' cat, who is now very old and sleeping his days away. In the evening he lies in the sun in our recently redug flower bed, and dozes. Bomble keeps an eye on him, but seems to understand that it's not worth attacking him. I know that cats timeshare space, but Bomble is insanely territorial. We have to keep Feliway pheremone diffusers going inside the house all the time because he gets so put out by visitors and their baggage. Or by us moving furniture/objects.

Yes, it's true. We are merely the staff in this household.

Thank you for comments on yesterday's blip, I was so busy yesterday (and today, rebagging TEN sacks of topsoil and shifting them from the front garden to the back and down the steps, using my retro shopping trolley) that I have not replied yet. I will.

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