
By Paladian

Pigeon Posts # 4


Yes Brian.

Do you want to go to the Bistro?

Ewww, get you! What's the Beeestro? Where did you learn to speak French?

It's not French.

It is French

It's not French

If it's not French what is it.

Well, I heard them inside, when they were outside, talking about this lady in America who gives food to all the birds that come to visit. She has peanuts, and ordinary seed, and sunflower seed, and something called sugar water for hummers. And all sorts of other stuff. Much better than we get. Anyway, she calls it a Bistro. So it's American not French.

Hummers? What's hummers? You're talking in riddles Brian. I nearly got cleaned up by a hummer once. Huge great big thing built like a tank, with four wheels and a mean look.

All that talk about seed has made me hungry - let's go and eat.

I think my pigeons must be talking about Life's Little Moments, by dbifulco

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