
By Martigan

First sighting.

        NOT of a plant/flower, but a Froglet.  While I was out doing a combination of planting, sowing and Blipping, I noticed him/her in the Bed.  How they get in, in the first place defeats me, unless they climb. 
       The thing is, s/he was leaping madly at the side(s); never with any degree of success and I had to help it out.
       I can, freely, admit to being weird in this respect - Whilst I've NO problem with  Newts, Toads and even Froglets, there's a sort of size limit inasmuch as, once they reach adulthood, I become scared to handle them.
       I can't even rationalise it - UNLESS - (Only thing I can think of) I'm scared to hurt them if they leap while I'm making a grab for one, because I KNOW they're not slimy or anything.
      A second possibility - Ever heard one SSCCRREEAAMM?  
I accidentally  ended up with one in the back of the Hatch-back (Long story).  I tried to guide it out with a stick. I'll never know if it was fear, or I hurt it; but BOY can they SCREAM .

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