
By JanetMayes


A quiet, useful and calm day while J's PA, M, was helping her with online events: I worked through various jobs, then spent a while sorting out a bit bag of sewing threads that were my mum's, many of them ends of reels from a factory I think, to decide which ones I would be likely to use and which to pass on. I integrated a few with the box I already had, many of which also came from my mum or great aunt, and boxed up the rest. I asked M, who has recently bought a new sewing machine, if any of them would be useful to her before I offered them on Freecycle, and was happy that she decided to take the whole box. I particularly enjoyed finding a lot of old, wooden reels, with pretty labels from various manufacturers and for different kinds of thread; I've photographed a selection on a piece of vintage fabric, also from my mum's stash. 

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