
By Igor

and is there honey still for tea?*

Not here, there isn't.  Not locally made honey.

One of the things we discovered when we first moved here, 4-odd years ago, was locally produced honey.  Both the greengrocer and the butcher sell jars of the stuff, produced in hives located in the countryside surrounding the town.

It really is amazing stuff; I eat it every day.  And when the jars are empty, they're washed, returned to the shops, who in turn send them back to the bee-keepers for re-use.  So a very green product.

But not at the moment.  The cold wet winter has not only destroyed the plants that the bees collect the nectar from, it's also destroyed some of the hives as well.

It's a loss of income for both the bee-keepers and the local shops, although the greengrocer tells me there may be some available in a couple of weeks time.  I'll be first in the queue.

*The Old Vicarage, Grantchester, by Rupert Brooke.

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