Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Thanks for all the good wishes, apart from leaving 30 minutes late, everything went very smoothly on our journey home yesterday. We touched down in Edinburgh at 00.38 this morning and were in our house at 01. 27 which is very impressive. We'd picked up the news about the Border Control problems when we landed and were a bit weary when we heard that Edinburgh was one of the affected airports, however both e and other gates were working and we were through very quickly. As we left the terminal a man in a City Cabs jersey standing by the door asked us if we were looking for a taxi we were! and so we were home in no time. I assume he'd just dropped someone off as City Cabs are not the official airport taxi company, but they are trusty black cabs and we were delighted.
Today we washed the entire contents of our suitcases and while Colin cut the grass I checked out the garden. I was delighted to see that our trusty Clematis Montana was in full bloom.... not that it rivals the finest clematis in Edinburgh, that is owned by another blipper, but it's pretty good for EH4 I think. Found the link, lol.
The blackcurrants, blueberries, raspberries and gooseberry all have flowers on them and the potatoes are growing nicely in their sacks. 2 of my 3 courgette seedlings are looking healthy, the 3rd may yet recover with some window sill tlc. I potted up some rosemary cuttings too, as my plant died last year so hopefully I'll have a replacement. I was also delighted to note that several of our ladybirds are hard at work making more ladybirds ;-) so that's good news - there's certainly a good greenfly crop waiting for them.
We had a lovely holiday, but as always it's good to be home again, the weather is even behaving for us.
I kept forgetting to say, one of the most remarkable things in Turkey was watching the traffic, even on major roads, come to a halt while the front car driver got out to pick up a tortoise which was taking its life in its hands (or its feet)to cross the road. All waited patiently while it was carried safely across the road and placed well back on the verge......hopefully on the side of the road it wanted to be on!

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