Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Wednesday: Soho Square

We’re back in the UK for a couple of check-ups that K needs to have and that can’t be done in Belmopan (unsurprisingly!) so this morning saw us take a trip down to the Royal Marsden Hospital in Sutton.  It was a very straightforward journey from where we’re staying and we even had the pleasure of the front seat on the top of the double decker bus on the way back.  The hospital itself is lovely - very nice and modern.

We were back in town by the afternoon so went and did a little shopping on Oxford Street.  This is a picture of Soho Square where we sat for a little bit - I loved the dappled sunlight on the buildings.

And we had a real treat for dinner when we discovered ‘Mother’s Mash’ pie shop.  Pies, mash and garden peas for dinner!  What could be better?!  

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