The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

My Jotters

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny & The Mini Princesses,

The meeting started with a whole heap of rubbish about the company restructure. And…

“Unfortunately you haven’t secured a role.”

Followed by a whole heap of rubbish about how I could apply for any vacancies advertised internally and that there would be support and the company blah blah blah.

I don’t think I’d said a word and Leadership lady asked if I wanted her to continue.

“Not really”

Which threw her slightly. I think she thought I was going to have a breakdown and she looked concerned and asked if I was ok.

But the real issue was that it was taking a lot of effort not to tell STFU escape from my head to my mouth and that I had as much interest in the company bollox as eating tadpoles.

She then advised me that there’s a 24 hour counselling line! I’m very glad that she couldn’t see what was in my head.

So The Prince and I did the mature thing and went to the pub. We messaged Kitty Cat and Marsh to let them know and Marsh arrived minutes later. He was on his way out to cut the grass when he saw the text and immediately turned around, walked back through the house and out the front door without breaking stride.

He was delighted with life as he felt like he’d had a reprieve and was very happy with the new plan to drink beer instead.

It was an odd day but we had a great night. Kitty Cat came out a bit later. No need to worry about being hungover at work!


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