talloplanic views

By Arell

A good band is worth a good bandstand

Another long day, but it was broken up nicely with a visit out of town with a colleague, for a meeting with my counterpart and a walk round their building.  The weather was lovely all of a sudden.  It was also nice to cycle in a dress again, because I don't very often, while for the long commute home it was t-shirt and shorts all the way!

Just for variety I cycled home into town before going out again, so there was nothing for it but to say hello to Saughton Park bandstand.  As anyone who reads my blips or those of BikerBabe will know by now, it's a Lion Foundry model no.23, the nine examples of which remaining worldwide we have been steadily tracking down and (where possible*) visiting.  This one really does look magnificent these days following its restoration just a few years ago.

* Punta Arenas notwithstanding ;-)

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