Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Lace group meeting

Glorious day again, warm with lots of sunshine.

Lace group meeting tonight, chair on holiday so I am the stand-in.
Tonight we had 2 members (Sallie’s and Jackie)  of the Berkshire Land Search and Rescue team, including Aster (speakers dog) talk about their service/support.
Projector set up, using the speakers laptop all ok, she turned the laptop which must have dislodged a cable, or something.  Do you think we could get it going again ……. no. So Sallie ended up reading it - which was just as good.  
Amazing support they provide (volunteers).
After the talk, they provided a quick “search” exercise using Aster, out in the car park.  This photo was taken at 8:50pm, lovely sunset just disappearing.  Jackie took a walk around the car park and then went and hid;  Sallie gave Aster the scent from a t-shirt of Jackie’s that was in a bag.  aster went off hunting, following the route Jackie took and found her - boy what a nose, sniffing out Jackie’s scent.  Treat given when she had completed the task. - extra collage
Just a very small snippet of the valuable work they do finding missing people (as volunteers)!


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