
By KathyH58

A busy day

Another busy day. Five of us spent several hours working on this property. Raking, pruning, weeding, edging and spreading some mulch. They added an extra bed last year, so we ran out of mulch. All we really needed was about 2 more wheelbarrow loads full. The next time I get mulch delivered I will get them to drop off a couple of bags too, then I can drop them off at the client's house and E will spread it.
The crew bought me a birthday cake today. I must remember to put a package of paper plates, napkins and cutlery in the truck. We try to have a birthday cake for each worker that has a birthday during the summer.
It was almost 3 pm by the time we unloaded the last of the debris, and I still had to meet with a contractor at 2 jobs plus I had a meeting with another potential client. It was almost 4:30 by the time I finished, so I stopped at Burger King on the way home.
It's been a quiet evening. Both cats wanted some lap time tonight, now they have settled down. I made my reservation tonight for my weekend away next weekend.
Tomorrow I am off to the valley, Miners Marsh, a couple of bakeries, a couple of garden centers and I hope to have a walk at the Harriet Irving Botanical Garden too.
A cloudy and chilly day today, the temperature barely made it to 10 C this afternoon. It's supposed to be the same tomorrow.

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