Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

Finish Line

Mon 6/5/24
Based on our pace for the prev days, I had estimated that we needed to leave by 8:00 in order to meet the earlier 3:00 cut-off. In the event, by the time everyone's tent was packed and the bags checked in and blisters dressed, we left at 9:00.
So we did try to press on a bit.
I had thought that the event would involve more running than it had for us so far so good to get a bit of trotting in.
The first part was alongside another gorgeous lake - Crummock Water. At one point, J managed to sink knee deep into a bog and had to be tugged out.
The pattern was generally that Luna and I would find ourselves ahead of the others and have a bit of view-enjoying while they caught up.
In the event, today's ascent was a lot faster than on the previous days. A long grassy climb rather than steep scrambles. The views were different as well - but equally gorgeous. By the time we had reached Gavel Fell, the final of a series of peaks (each of which looked as though it would be the last) our worries about the cut-off had vanished. And the last few miles were gently downhill on spring turf and with few navigational difficulties, so N and I ran them - it was a lovely run in - splashing through the occasional peaty bog.

At the finish, everyone was cheered across the line and there was veggie chilli for everyone. after retrieving our bags, we drove for an hour to that night's stop - a pub. The bath was divine - accompanied for me by two cups of tea and two complimentary mini packs of biscuits.

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