Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

'Howling' and the 'Eurovision Song Contest'

Life in St Ives is just one long round of busyiness. Is that even a word? My human loves it. She'd far rather be busy, than spend her days lying on the sofa watching daytime TV. which is pretty much what she was doing in the last 3 months of her life in Edinburgh.

Today we got up at 6.45am because she was meeting the girlies down on the beach for a morning swim at 7.30am and she likes to give me a bit of a walk first. When Ann goes swimming she just wears her swimming costume and her dry robe, so when she meets other dog walkers on the way to her swim, they just think she's one of these stupid dog walkers who wear dry robes to do the dog walk in??!! Does she care? Of course she doesn't.

The girlies were in the sea for almost half an hour today. Normally I don't care how long they're in the sea for. Normally, I just lie by the waters edge guarding my ball. Today Ann didn't bring my ball. I was distraught?! Ann has never, ever heard me howl before. Today when Ann went into the sea I howled. I couldn't get to Ann because the waves (to get to the calm part of the sea) were too big and I'm really scared of waves. I howled. And then I woofed. And then I ran along the waters edge as they swam along the bay. I kept trying to go into the sea to get close to Ann, but I couldn't.

 At one point she came out of the sea and said she'd carry me over the waves so that I could swim with her, but that was still really scary so I didn't want to do that.

Ann felt really guilty that she hadn't brought my ball. If I have my ball it's like I have a job to do. I have to guard it. Fortunately, after about 10 mins, Ann's friend Jill turned up with her little Cavapoo. She doesn't swim but she'd brought a ball so she played with me. Phew!!!

Home, breakfast, and then we had to walk to Carbis Bay (a couple of miles away) to pick up our car after last nights BBQ, where Ann had left it after a few glasses of vino.

Ann went to work all afternoon and when she got home at 7pm, I was still fast asleep in my bed. She made me go for a trek round the field for toileting purposes and then we sat outside for half an hour before the sun disappeared.

Now we're back indoors watching the 'Eurovision Song Contest'??!! Who watches the 'Eurovision Song Contest' these days? Does anyone else remember the 'ESC' of 1972 which was held in Edinburgh and the 'New Seekers' came second with, 'Beg, steal or borrow?' Those were the days.................... when the UK actually had a chance of winning.

Oh, and who saw the 'Northern Lights' last night? We did. Was going to put some photos in extras but as they are from yesterday, that would be breaking the BLIP rules so we're not going to. We're thinking of going treking around at midnight to look for them again tonight but tbh, my human's not sure if she can be bothered.

As we say............................ our life is just full of busyiness. It's great. We love it.


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