Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

This might be the buck to beat

We have been seeing five or six white tail bucks coming to the feeder and this one has the biggest growing antlers.   Definitely a six point and maybe even an eight.    The others are not so well formed yet as this one.

We have also seen several does with only one that looks really big around the middle.  It will soon be fawn season so I hope we get more than the three that we saw last year.

I was able to stand on the deck to get photos.  I have been going outside when I see them just to get them used to my presence.  I also talk to them in a low voice which was why this one was really staring at me.  As long as I don't make direct eye contact they do not run off.  The camera "eye" doesn't seem to concern them.  

No sign yet of the deer that had the curled up hooves.  I am thinking he might have had a run in with a car.  There is no hunting around the area where I live but deer and cars do not do well at night.

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