Again and Again

By Ripitup

It's a sin

The map shows part of a regular running route.  

Heybridge Basin.  The snails are representative of my pace. Perfect potential blip I thought as I crossed the car park and passed the information point at the canal steps.    I messaged Angel as I finished and after a shower we met up for a walk with Grayson before we both headed to work.  She shared sad news that Bruce had died on Monday but good news that everything else for her wedding in a few weeks time is on track.  Fortunately I was WFH or I would not have managed a walk in what turned out to be a very long, very squeezed day.
I was attending a workplace bereavement session.  We were given a detailed account of a death and put into breakout groups lead by someone assuming a part of one of the people impacted by the death and discussed the needs of that person. The scenario was very close to home for me. I hope that my input was helpful and that I gave the others in the group space to speak in the short space of time we had.
I jumped straight from that meeting into one with a team member. They had not acknowledged the meeting invite I had sent a week before and did not respond to the email I sent 15 minutes before the start time asking about their availability. I 'joined'  the meeting a few minutes after the scheduled start and they then joined. I outlined the purpose of the meeting and asked if they had looked at the information I'd asked to pbe prepared for our discussion and they said that they'd only just opened it as they had been busy.  I acknowledged they were busy (we all are) but said that I found this disrespectful. They apologised.  I am unsure about the sincerity of the apology or if there is any way we can ever work together productively.
Next was a meeting with my manager.  I believe we have a productive working relationship and was pleased that she had been persuaded by my argument earlier in the week and  that we were going to take a more gentle approach in another staffing matter.  It felt good to be heard and to have made a positive contribution.
Immediately that meeting was over I had a meeting with an auditor where they too were apologetic about lack of progress on our audit but didn't  really give me any confidence about things improving.  We are due to start a 23/24 audit but 21/22 and 22/23 are incomplete.  They made a promise for some action next week. We will see.
The last meeting of the day with another of my team was uneventful 

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