Scattered Polaroids

By sp

I was up early - to Asda then Tesco - and got home before Matt even woke up.

Did some cooking then met Paul and Elly and walked over to North Street. We got some lunch in the Standard and eventually we were joined by the whole gang (18 of us!)

Paul’s ticket guy had hooked us up with a big block of seats at the rugby, it was so nice to all sit together. The Bears lost but good match. The sun hit us at half time and it was absolutely baking.

Everyone headed over to the park in the evening, but I popped home to pick up the food I’d prepped and headed over to Stanka’s house for a garden party. I didn’t realise before but she lives on the next road to Gary and Rach’s house! Small world.

Had a lovely evening catching up with the work girls (who have now all moved on… determined to make them still be my friends though!)

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