
By Hanulli


Today Renfrebar, P., Teba and I visited the Spectaculum in Worms.
It is a giant medieval market with a lot of action.
One event is the "big field battle". Over 100 people attack and try to defend Worms and show different fighting techniques. If one is touched with a weapon, he has to die. There are battles 50 against 50 ( first extra) and there is the ring of honour. At that always two opponents  fight until in the end only one remains. It is not always most serious ;-)

For the first time Teba and I wore historical clothes, too, like the most of the visitors. It felt good to be more part of the game. 
In the second extra Renfrebar showed Teba and me, how to use a historic sword (feather). He is training in the historic HEMA since a  half year.

The market is very special, because the camps have to be as historic as possible. For example some doesn't eat tomatoes or potatoes, because they were unknown in the middle age.
The shoes in the last extra are called "Trippe" (German) or patten.
The are made individually and it is not easy to walk with them. The wooden part is apart from the "shoe - part".
Fun fact for German readers: The saying "Nachtigall ich hör dir trappsen" is from those shoes. In middle age villages the doors of the protection wall were closed at a special moment. Later everybody HAD to be at home. So if you were on your way too late, the sound of the shoes were very loud on the cobblestones and you were easily caught! 
Things you learn at the spectaculum :-D 

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