A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Sunday Blues

The day started with a rare sight, in fact it’s only the second time I’ve seen this bird. A blue indigo bunting! It was drinking from the bird bath then flew away. A while later it reappeared on the thistle seed feeder. I tried taking photos through the glass door at an angle in the sun. You can imagine the results! But, Oh, What a sight! • The Sunday blues continued with visits from a few bluejays looking for peanuts, which they found :) • Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms in our life, biological and otherwise. I lost my Mom when I was 31, and she 61, just weeks from her 62nd birthday. It’s hard to believe I’m now older than she was when she passed, yet it doesn’t feel all that long ago. Mary Lou was a kind, loving and supportive parent with a wonderful sense of humor. Her love still lives strong within my heart • Peace & Love

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