
By pensionspoet

Garden Joy

Today has been a lovely outside day. And after I had prepared the lasagne for dinner this morning, I drove to Cromer where I met Mollie and we sat in the gardens at High Lodge, enjoying the cooler weather, but in the sun.

When Jon and Henry had finished archery they brought coffee and joined us. It was so nice to be near the sea, relaxing on the last day of my holiday.

We got back at about 1, and I brought Mollie back with me to do a bit of gardening (and sun bathing). It was much hotter back at home. I was on a mission to clear a patch in mums garden - the whole garden is very overgrown with weeds. We worked really hard, trying not to dig up the snowdrop and bluebell bulbs, whilst getting the roots of the weeds out. Inevitably there will be ground elder roots still in there but we got most out.

While we were doing the garden, Jon fitted new taps in the bathroom and Henry cut the grass. We eventually finished at 6 after I had planted a few new shrubs in the space we had made. More to do, but very happy with today’s work.

This is a photo of my garden, which I am very happy with as it is starting to bloom. But I have a lot of work to do in the area where I am digging out a semicircle as it is full of ground elder, grass and crocosmia. So I’ve earmarked a bit of time after work when the weather is nice, to get on with that weeding. It is going to be a never ending job, but at least there are lots of nice flowers appearing.

But we’ve started getting out into the French Quarter for coffee, so are making the most of that when we can.

The sun makes me tired, so I’ve crashed in front of the tv. I think it will be an early night. My writing, after more than a week off, I must start tomorrow night!

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